
七股科技工業區開發、租售及管理案廉政平臺“Anti-Corruption Platform for Cigu Technology and Industrial Park Development, Leasing, Sales and Management"


“Anti-Corruption Platform for Cigu Technology and Industrial Park Development, Leasing, Sales and Management (Apex Science & Engineering Corp. was chosen for the development of Cigu Technology and Industrial Park following the release of a public bulletin on December 18, 2020)


A Pre-development Presentation was held on October 22, 2021. A groundbreaking ceremony was hosted on November 14, 2021 to commence the project.


Tainan City Government is hard at work to transform Cigu Technology and Industrial Park into “Sibei Industrial Nexus.”

(四)「台南七股科工區開發案廉政平臺啟動—黃偉哲: 透過公共工程透明化過程,確保市民最大的福利。」

“Anti-Corruption Platform for Cigu Technology and Industrial Park Development, Leasing, Sales and Management” inaugurated. Mayor Huang Wei-che: “Protecting and ensuring the interests for our citizens by upholding transparency of public development projects.”